Thursday 1 March 2018

Yet more bricks in the wall

In the leisure centre car park, a low wall separates the car parking bays from the surrounding flower beds. You can’t see the wall when you reverse your car into a space. Consequently, the area is frequently littered with piles of bricks where people have had little accidents. There was a new hillock of rubble there the other day.

The wall is then rebuilt, but before long it happens again at another spot. Why not do away with the wall altogether? It is pretty clear where the tarmac ends and the bushes begin. If a solid reminder is needed, then a single paved kerbstone would surely do the trick. Alternatively, why not make the wall high enough to be seen through a rear-view mirror?

One wall that I am only too pleased to see properly maintained is that built by Brunel in the mid-nineteenth century along the south Devon coastline at Dawlish. It remains as the only through rail route to the far south west of England, in spite of the sea’s frequent efforts to remove it. As such, it has to be defended at all costs - which actually turns out to be quite a lot.

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