Monday 29 April 2019

Railway Club

I finished Simon Bradley’s book, The Railway, recently. There were lots of good moments. Way back on page six, for example, “To travel through Britain equipped with a little knowledge of how its railways were built and operated is… journey in time as well as space”.

Southwell Railway Club members are probably fed up with me reading out the latest chunk from Simon’s book to have amused me. Only two more quotes to go, everyone - but not at this week’s meeting.

Wednesday’s get-together will be given over entirely to Les Nixon, perhaps the best-known of all current railway photographers and we are looking forward very much to his visit. I have this photograph of his in my own collection, so here is a little taster for anyone else who can make it.
  I hope that Les is happy with me flagging up his imminent appearance in this way. I wonder if he knows how it came to be in my possession. All will be revealed on Wednesday.

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