Tuesday 23 April 2019

Looking Forward

From outside the George Washington Masonic National Memorial, on Shooter’s Hill in Alexandria, VA, one has a good view of the Amtrak and Metro lines which connect the town to Union station in Washington, DC.

Amtrak diesel No. 9 was just leaving for the capital with a passenger train from Fredericksburg or Broad Run. In the background is King Street, the main road through the town that connects the stations to the waterfront, from where you can see the Capitol building on the other side of the Potomac river - the beating heart of USA government.

The memorial costs 18 dollars to look around. Instead, I stayed outside on the steps and watched the white-throated sparrows and flame-red cardinals in the surrounding gardens, and listened to the northern mockingbirds going through their varied repertoire.

Then I wondered if the USA government’s heart is still really beating in the way that George Washington and those who came after him had intended and when at least one aspect of American democracy might be restored to something approaching its full health.

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