Wednesday 3 April 2019

Free Pee

Many is the time that I have made it from King’s Cross to the St Pancras loos just in time for a free wee or a sit down. However, on Monday the Guardian online reported that any uncomfortable waddling across the road between the two is now a thing of the past.

“Toilet charges scrapped at busiest railway stations”.

Liverpool Street and Edinburgh Waverley have also been flushed into line, so now all of Network Rail’s stations are free at the point of use. Previously, they had charged up to 50p for the pleasure.

On the same day that the charges were lifted, I had reason - as is frequently the case these days, straight after an hour’s drive from home - to use the splendid facilities at the Great Central Railway’s Loughborough Central station. Recently refurbished and meticulously retaining its original features, I was reminded that Simon Bradley [“The Railways”, p.472] had also commented on the Ministry of Health poster that had adorned the wall there, warning of the perils of venereal disease.

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