Monday 8 April 2019

Not mine, mate

Sweating cobs, out of the gym, into the car, window down, CD on - Abba’s greatest hits. Straight away I have to wait while three young people cross the car park in front of me. “It’s not mine, it’s my wife’s,” I say to myself, though actually, I played it all the way here - but only because it was in there already.

Nevertheless, l don’t want to be seen as an Abba person - yes, catchy and sing-along but not meaty, urgent, progressive, meaningful or personal. I am a Beatles, Who, Animals, Bowie, Floyd, ELO sort of person. I would even wind my window right down for Supertramp, Killers, and Coldplay [but only in a rural area, probably].

I am a railway enthusiast, not just a train spotter. I mean, come on.
    1966 photo with thanks to Ian Hughes

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