Saturday 12 January 2019

Green Spain

Instead of enjoying the London Olympics in the summer of 2012, we managed to miss all the action by visiting “Green Spain”, on the northern coast. While we just kept on winning stuff at home, Spanish TV concentrated each evening on a procession of their own less successful competitors.

We had purposely chosen the less arid part of Spain to enjoy more moderate temperatures. Instead, we had to cower as best we could from the 40-degree Celsius mid-day heat and then jump in the hotel pool to cool off.

On the plus side, we experienced the Feve - then the term used to describe the metre-gauge line linking Bilbao and Santander in the east with the pilgrimage centre of Santiago de Compostela in the far west. We took the slow train west from Llanes and this meant a Poo stop for us. A bit further on, we came across the Transcantabrico, the luxury tourist train, in the resort of Ribadesela. I’m pretty sure that the luxury train had sailed straight through Poo without stopping, windows shut and blinds down.

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