Friday 4 January 2019

Festive Holiday Highlights

On our most recent visit to town, some young whipper-snapper offered me his seat on the tram. What’s more that was the second time in succession that has happened. What a cheek. Just because my hair has thinned a bit over the years [in some light] that surely doesn’t mean I look enough like an old person for some Mickey-taking youth to have a go at me in this way.

My main contribution to Christmas and the reason I had put myself in the firing line is because I am Santa’s [Chris’s] dutiful helper, following her around with the present list and carrying the purchases she has decided on back to the car. In return, I hope that we can combine shopping with a nice lunch.

When nominated for his knighthood, the woman interviewing Billy Connolly said “It’ll be strange for you having a knighthood, coming from nothing” to which he replied “I don’t come from nothing, I come from something” - a poignant and telling moment.

I also watched a Scottish league encounter on BT and was not really surprised to see that they are still kicking lumps out of each other in the top flight up there, bringing back memories of Tommy Smith, Norman Hunter and Peter Storey.

Before Christmas there was the Mourinho sacking. It went from “Mourinho will not comment on MU out of deepest respect” [BBC Online] to “Mourinho breaks silence” [MSN Newsfeed] and then “Mourinho opens up on being fired” [The “i”] in less than 24 hours, so no change there then.

Then I read a report that said that “Boxing’s pay-per-view clash was senseless”, which I had already agreed with on at least two levels before I realised that it was referring to two televised events being broadcast simultaneously. What a curious business that is, involving grown-up people - and that’s just the weigh-in.

In the bookshop, I came across the ideal Christmas present for people who voted for Brexit. It is the Ladybird Brexit book. I quickly realised that I don’t actually know anyone that I could give it to.

I look forward to the New Year for some innocent escapism on the railway scene from the current debacle.

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