Tuesday 30 October 2018

Down the Docks

Of all the locations that I’m glad I took some steam photos of before it was too late, then down the docks is right up there. Never mind the picture quality, feel the times. It is two days before Christmas in 1966 and Stanier 8F 2-8-0 No. 48266 is shuffling across Duke Street, Birkenhead, using the lines that ran alongside the East and West Floats.

I cycled from home over the Duke Street bridge to this location, one of only three direct connections between Wallasey and Birkenhead at that time and with all three involving bridges where you could be held up to watch ships arriving or leaving the dock system and that could often take some time.

There was frequently a policeman on traffic duty here in a little box in the middle of the junction. It was overlooked by the Royal Duke pub advertising Birkenhead Ales, which has also now departed the scene.  


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