Saturday 13 October 2018

Chris Beck

As a friend of his mum and dad, I knew Chris for all of his thirty-eight years. Coming from a different generation, and meeting him infrequently throughout that time, I can’t even claim to have known him well.

I am writing this here because during the last couple of years Chris had become a more regular reader of my blogs, or at least of my attempts to flag them up. Eventually, of course, that contact also drew to a close.

What I did know about Chris was that he was a quiet, kind and pleasant man, without an ounce of antagonism. His friends told us about the sense of fun that Chris always brought with him when they were together.  

It is blatantly unfair that such an inoffensive and amiable person, who only spread happiness wherever he went, should end up enjoying only half a lifetime to share his humanity with others.

Chris loved his music, travelled widely and touched all those he met with his positive demeanour and his easy manner. I’m glad that I knew him and I’m grateful, too, that Chris showed me through social media that I had occasionally said something or offered a photograph that resonated with him. I could not have asked for more. It was a pleasure to have known you, Chris - and thank you.

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