Thursday 10 December 2020

Window of Opportunity

Opportunities to get out and about in the normal way have been seriously curtailed during 2020, but we managed a visit to the Severn Valley Railway between the waves and obviously struck a pleasant sunny day. I never bothered with sun glasses in the past, dismissing them as unnecessary fashion accessories until I was advised very specifically by my optician that I should think again.

The compartment was ours for the day and, as can be seen, the staff were taking the necessary precautions, too. The only place that was in “Crisis, what crisis?” mode was the pub at the end of the platform, where, apparently, it was still 2019, especially when the diesel-hauled special disgorged its full trainload at the end of the day. It was time to go home.

“But we’re all so fed up with it, and where’s the science that the hospitality sector is an important factor in spreading the disease?” You don’t need science to tell you that. It’s common sense. In fact, its so blindingly obvious I almost need my sun glasses on to see it.


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