Friday 18 December 2020

Aspinall’s L&YR 0-4-0 Saddle Tank

There were eventually 60 of these “Pug” dock shunters, which were introduced in 1886. The first three were built at Vulcan Foundry and the rest at Horwich works, and all were completed by 1910. They were given the power classification 0F by the LMS. Their short wheelbase meant that they could negotiate the tight curves leading to dockside sidings in Liverpool and elsewhere more easily. The last examples were withdrawn in 1964. Two locomotives were preserved by the Lancashire and Yorkshire Railway Trust. One is at the K&WVR and the other is at the ELR at Bury.

John Dyer’s photographs show Nos. 51204 and 51237 at Agecroft sheds in August 1962, No. 51206 on a foggy morning at Sandhills in October 1960, and No. 51232 awaiting disposal in August 1963 on a low loader at Salford goods yard.

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