Friday 25 December 2020

Christmas Day 1966

We were on our way to Grah’s Uncle and Auntie’s house in Cricklewood to gate-crash their Christmas dinner at very short notice, an act of kindness never forgotten. Our “good idea”, well probably mine, I think, of Christmas at London youth hostels back-fired somewhat, when we discovered that London was largely closed. We were stopped by the police in Southwark, who couldn’t believe that we had forfeited family Christmases at home to wander empty streets.

We went round Nine Elms, with some very grubby engines, but at least they were still not yet separated from their nameplates. We took in Chelsea v Liverpool and the others went to watch Arsenal v Southampton, while I listed the diesels on Stratford sheds, so it certainly wasn’t a complete disaster - and it still provides some amusing memories. Photo with thanks to Dave Beck.

Happy Christmas, all round.

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