Monday 18 May 2020

NRM Blog

I received an email flagging up a recent blog item that had been issued by the National Railway Museum. Under the banner “Things to do at Home”, they reimagined a series of ten vintage posters from their collection and replaced the original captions to suit the [then] current restrictions on movement around the country.

The theme of the message was that we can’t go there now but could look forward to a time when they can be revisited. Included in the list was this iconic image of the outdoor bathing pool at New Brighton. Septimus Scott pictured his bather on the top diving board - which I can remember was very high up, indeed.

I pointed out to the author that nobody would be going back there and doing that again, because the wonderful Art Deco pool was knocked down in 1990 after severe storm damage. It was then decided that it was too expensive to fix.

They haven’t got back to me.

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