Monday 20 April 2020

Run, For It

As soon as they are able to walk, it seems, the young ones choose to run, instead. I’m sure I was the same. Why walk when you can get there quicker by running? Running adds an additional freedom. I can still get this buzz when I first get on my bike or swim into the sea. It’s liberating and exhilarating. Running, however, is currently on hold.

I ran home alone from junior school as it was safer than walking. We would run to the park [though maybe walk back]. We ran to Goodison Park from the station [and back again] and we ran to the sheds along the routes provided by Aidan Fuller in his shed directory. If we were shouted at by shed staff for trespassing, we probably ran away before trying again. Here at Shrewsbury, we did not run soon enough and got collared by the foreman. What a wonderful carefree pleasure it is to be able to run. I’m working on it……      

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