Monday 27 April 2020

Good Hair Day

That was my first vain thought, when Ian sent me this picture, dated August 1966. Those were the days. Hairy. How important appearance was, though maybe not while going round the sheds. Hair was definitely the major consideration, along with the alarm caused by the sudden appearance of a spot. It never went much further than that, for me. Attire was not such a priority, though I did borrow my mum’s red cardie and some of her beads for Flower Power the following summer.

On that day, we went by car to Birkenhead, Edge Hill and Speke Junction sheds. Remaining steam was becoming increasingly concentrated in the north west of England but there was still plenty around at all three locations, though the variety of classes was becoming more and more limited - largely Stanier Class 5s and 8Fs, and Standards - especially the 2-10-0s, like this example No. 92134.  

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