Saturday 8 December 2018

Blog Number 400

I know that I should get out more but actually I quite like it here with my old photos, notebooks and the internet. During the hot summer, I took a book to the beach, or rather I cowered in the shade of the beach house. It was Virginia Woolf’s “To the Lighthouse”. Apparently, it was based on Godrevy lighthouse which faces St Ives and which we know well [from a distance], though in the story it had been transplanted several hundred miles away to the west coast of Scotland.

In her self-absorbed and rather tedious, supposed classic novel, she describes one of her characters, Mr Tansley, a family guest to the house where most of the “action” [yawn] takes place, “If only he could be alone in his room working, he thought, amongst his books. That was where he felt at ease”. Chris says that she could easily have written that bit, herself. She has a point.
 Somewhere in this picture there is a railway line and a lighthouse 

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