Monday 13 August 2018

Blowing my own trumpet

The 20,000th visit to the blog site this week and 350 posts completed. Thanks for dipping in, though I do have a follower in Russia who sometimes adds 20 at a time overnight. I also get quite a few curious emails these days, imploring me to claim my non-existent HMRC rebate, settle my Apple i-phone account for music I haven’t downloaded, check my Amazon account for books I haven’t bought, reply to the FBI immediately [honestly, today] or respond to fictitious bank transactions I haven’t made - so obviously no connection there.

I see Northern Rail were cancelling Sunday services again yesterday. As previously, shortage of trained drivers is part of the discussion. I don’t remember that ever being offered as an acceptable reason for no trains in BR days. Trotting out the “lack of available drivers” excuse again brings renewed calls for re-nationalisation. Northern Rail, meanwhile, blame current workers’ contracts, so take your pick.

Northern Rail had a train to spare when we arrived at Newcastle Central station recently. They had put on a special to help commemorate the RAF’s centenary. On the concourse, the RAF band were blowing their own trumpets.

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