Monday 2 January 2017

Reasons to be Cheerful

Amongst all the “good riddance” remarks aimed at the departing 2016 [for very obvious reasons], I was warmed by the Guardian’s attempt to redress the balance last Saturday [31/12/16]. In the plus column, they cited a plateauing in the rate of global CO2 emissions, an increasing list of countries declared free of malaria and various other diseases, fewer deaths through conflict worldwide [surprisingly], a continued downward trend in overall UK crime rates, improved worldwide mobile phone connectivity, a continuing decline in worldwide murder rates, greater use of contraception contributing to a levelling off in worldwide population growth and the downward trend in the numbers suffering from extreme poverty on a world scale.

In our own neck of the woods, meanwhile, we have had the decision to go ahead with the new railway museum at Leicester North and the commencement of work on the Bridge to the Future Project to re-join the two sections of the old Great Central Railway. Elsewhere, track has been laid into Corwen on the Llangollen Railway, the Borders Railway is up and running, Flying Scotsman experienced an astonishingly successful relaunch and the Severn Valley Railway completed its fabulous nine-coach ex-LNER teak set in time for her arrival there in September.

You can pick your own favourite moments from a long list of 2016 achievements. The railway heritage movement is in rude health, so here’s to 2017 and a Happy New Year to all.  
Flying Scotsman on the Severn Valley Railway, 23rd September 2016.

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