Friday 3 December 2021

The John Dyer Photo Collection

I’m completing my trawl through John’s archive with a miscellany of shots taken in the north west of England and into North Wales between 1962 and 1965. It illustrates a variety of motive power, although locomotive numbers [and in one case an exact location] went unrecorded in these examples. This is a chance to revisit some regular haunts for us as former Merseyside spotters. Chester, Crewe, Preston and Shrewsbury were some of our favourite locations. I want to take this opportunity also to thank John once more for allowing me to share his photos in this manner, as well as for his work as an influential figure in the railway society at Wallasey Grammar School sixty years ago, now. As an assistant to the popular maths teacher, Jack Dugdale, John helped those of us who were a few years his junior to get about the rail network in a way that helped fashion a life-long affection for steam and for the railway scene in general.

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