Thursday 30 December 2021

The Birkenhead Dock Branch

The dock branch ran beneath Birkenhead, connecting the ex-LMS/GWR joint line from Chester to Birkenhead Woodside with the Birkenhead dock system at Canning Street Junction. The GCR had gained access at the other end of the docks near Bidston station.

My friend, Andy, recently drew my attention to what remains today of the dock branch, from his explorations by bike in an area that is otherwise seeing continuing changes to the landscape. Canning Street North signalbox controlled the level crossing that took rail traffic away from the docks and into a series of cut and cover tunnels - including the Haymarket tunnel – which were separated by short cuttings. In this way, the line threaded its way beneath the centre of Birkenhead before providing the link to Birkenhead sheds. Having reached that point, it was running parallel to the main line out of Woodside station.

Various online sites discuss the branch and what remains of it, which in parts was four-track. Some sections of rail are still in situ, but there has been infilling in some places, as well as considerable vegetation growth and fly tipping.

On 23/12/66 I photographed Stanier Class 8F No. 48266 at the head of a freight train crossing Duke Street on the Birkenhead dock system and continuing on towards the Canning Street crossing.

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