Monday 7 June 2021

An Hour to Spare

I found myself in Newark with an hour to spare on Saturday. I’ll do a recce, I thought, of the station surrounds so that I’m aware of future possible locations for photographing steam specials. It was hot and I didn’t get very far. The main line had engineering works south of Grantham, so that put a stop to any freights that would have been diverted elsewhere and I was left with a succession of Azumas.

The smooth front end design is quite effective, I think, communicating speed and power – all sleek and purposeful. They are certainly keeping them clean. The rest is just a long tube, with tinted glass in the windows just allowing the outlines of those very vertical seatbacks. I have yet to sample them but hopefully that won’t be long as I pluck up sufficient courage to re-join society, full-time. There are certainly plenty to choose from.


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