Monday 8 February 2021

The Thompson B1s

We regarded these ex-LNER 4-6-0 mixed traffic Class 5s as very much the ER equivalent of our LM Mickeys. Although only relatively few carried names, those that drifted to the western extremities of former LNER influence on the Wirral were often the ones named after the various species of African antelope, which made up the bulk of the first 41 of the class.

We were always on the look-out for a single example on our Sunday morning trips to Birkenhead sheds in the early 1960s. They worked freights in and out of Birkenhead docks and were therefore also sometimes spotted at Chester General station, as well as at Preston on the summer Saturday holiday-makers’ trains from Yorkshire to Blackpool.  

Introduced in 1942, and with some still being constructed when BR took over from LNER, there were 408 locos still listed in my 1962 combined volume, out of the original 410 built. Nos. 61264 and 61306 have been preserved. No. 61306 carries the name Mayflower, which in BR days was actually borne by No. 61379.

John Dyer’s photos show No. 61000 Springbok in Doncaster works on 30/4/62, No. 61015 Duiker at Wakefield in August 1962, No. 61059 at Derby Midland station also in August 1962, No. 61062 at York on 12/4/62, No. 61071 at Speke Junction on 29/10/61, No. 61122 in Sheffield Victoria station on 20/6/59, No. 61158 on Doncaster sheds on 30/4/62, No. 61165 at Chester General station on 18/3/64, No. 61221 Sir Alexander Erskine-Hill and No. 61240 Harry Hinchcliffe both on Edinburgh Haymarket sheds on 29/6/60 and No. 61339 at Wakefield in August 1962.

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