Saturday 13 February 2021

LNER Class D49

Introduced in 1927, these 4-4-0s were designed by Nigel Gresley and named after shires and fox hunts. There were 76 in the class, though all had been withdrawn by 1961, when the last survivor, No. 62712 Morayshire, became the only preserved example. She will remain as the only D49 I ever caught up with.

Once again, I am relying on John Dyer’s photographic archive for my illustrations of the class. John found two examples on St Margaret’s sheds on 30/7/60 – Nos. 62729 Rutlandshire and 62733 Northumberland. He had previously viewed No. 62746 The Middleton and No. 62763 The Fitzwilliam from the platforms at Harrogate station in August 1956.

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