Tuesday 7 July 2020

Groundhog Day

Back to Rolleston for yesterday’s lunchtime oil empties from Kingsbury to Humber refinery. Class 60 No. 60039 Dove Holes was in charge this time. The moments waiting for the train - just listening to bird song and the breeze rustling the leaves on the trees whilst looking out for warblers and raptors - has become quite an important part of the experience.
Amazingly, I also still get a bit of a buzz when any locomotive-hauled train first pulls into view. At least no one told me to “Fall off” my bike this time, as happened last time out, after I had pulled onto the verge to allow him to pass me in a narrow lane. I thought I was doing him a favour. Perhaps he took it as indicative of my irritation at having him right behind me. White van man rushing to judgement - say no more.  

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