Thursday 18 June 2020

In need of a banker

The 1 in 37 gradient between Exeter St David’s and Exeter Central required trains heading up the hill to have an additional push from a banking engine. This Maunsell ex-SR Class Z 0-8-0T, photographed at the lower station by John Dyer in 1961, was employed to do just that.

Cycling up Oxton hill recently, I could have done with one myself. First, I was overtaken by an octogenarian on a mountain bike with chunkier tyres and smaller wheels than me. Adding insult to injury, he turned round as he passed me and offered me a tow. I scoured his bike frame for signs of electrical assistance but could not see any. Then it was the turn of a slightly overweight couple to climb past me, though they, at least, admitted to having powered assistance, which I’d already spotted. I still hadn’t reached the top when a proper cyclist with drop handle bars fairly shot by. I’ll be ready next time. I’ve even oiled my pedals.

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