Wednesday 13 February 2019

Southwell Railway Club

After a break of fifty years or so, I joined my second ever railway club. I was still in short trousers when I joined our school railway society. It was a pivotal moment for me, encouraging a life-long interest in trains. I was still in my shorts when I joined Southwell Railway Club - but only during the summer months, by then.

The railway club has been going for “a good long time” and has had many fine guest speakers over the years, including nationally-known figures in the railway world, like Malcolm Ranieri, Colin Boocock, Chris Leigh and Les Nixon.

Many in the group have long-standing experience of employment on the railways, including founder member and local author, John Meredith. Other members volunteer their services on the heritage lines of today, so knowledge and expertise abound. All are welcome to join us.

Meetings are held at the Reindeer, in Westgate, at 7.30 on the first Wednesday evening of each month, apart from January and August. Presentations by guest speakers on a wide range of topics alternate with themes chosen and delivered by members of the group. Thanks to Robin Sharman, posts about the club’s activities can be found on Facebook under Southwell Railway Club.

Robinson Class O4 at Bidston [former GCR shed] in the winter of 1962, with thanks to John Dyer.

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