Monday 23 April 2018

Flying Visit

This notice on the toilet for “Martians with one leg shorter than the other” welcomed us to Ynys-Hir RSPB reserve on the Dovey estuary. It has such an attractive location, perched on gentle, wooded slopes above the marsh. It provides safe haven for incoming migrants like pied flycatcher and common redstart. How tranquil and inviting those thickets and glades must seem to the summer visitors that have recently logged up all those air miles just to get there.

Next door at Cors Dyfi, the ospreys have also returned - though a female interloper has already taken up residence on the nest and appears to be getting on very well with the returning male. There could be a bit of a domestic there in a day or two, when last year’s incumbent finally arrives.

The Shrewsbury to Aberystwyth railway abuts both these sites but that has not deterred the birds one bit. The line runs much closer to the osprey’s nest site than the statutory 200 yards minimum distance that separates proceedings from the imaginatively designed, raised visitor’s centre and watchpoint. The rail network has become so firmly embedded within our natural landscape over the last couple of centuries. It has become very much a part of the scenery.

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