Thursday 31 August 2017

Party Time

In 1978, I moved from colour slide film to colour prints, which I think had become somewhat cheaper by then. Our colour slide era had lasted for 13 years. At its height, we had enjoyed slide evenings together, when we would assemble at someone’s parents’ house, put up the screen, black out the room, and project the slides from our joint youth hostelling holidays and other days out. We would have a few drinks and relive the highlights - of which there were many - of our times away from home. The girls would not have wanted to see an overload of railway pictures at such events.  

It was most convivial -  a mini-party with an added dimension. We had lots of other get-togethers, as well, of course, though I think we usually referred to them as “gatherings” rather than parties, partly to reflect the relatively smaller numbers attending, but perhaps also to play things down a bit so that the idea met with less resistance from our parents. By the end of the decade, many of us had got married, left home and moved into our own properties, anyway. Then we could then call them whatever we wanted to.
An early 70s colour slide from the end of the line.

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