Friday 23 June 2017

The Flying Scotsman Affair

I’ve had a soft spot for her ever since we first met - in Liverpool Lime Street station on 26th October 1968, when I was still a teenager. She had received special dispensation to break the BR steam ban within weeks of its inception. She looked every bit as impressive as I had imagined.

She’s had her ups and downs since then, of course. She left home to take America by storm in 1969 on a trip that was very successful early on but which eventually ended in tears. Then, with different suitors, she was rescued and repatriated, in February 1973.

I caught up with her again and welcomed her home at an otherwise deserted Edge Hill sheds, soon after she had come off the boat. Our meeting, on a cold, winter’s afternoon was lit by a low, watery sun. She was in a mess, but later on she made it to Derby for a makeover under her own steam. I looked forward to meeting her again once she was fully recovered.     

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