Saturday 27 May 2017

Somewhere to the east of Cardigan Bay, in 1972

Thank you for contributing to the 8,000 visits to my blog, which also now contains over 160 different posts. Mind you, that 8K does include my regular Russian friend[s]. I had no idea that old British trains went down so well east [or possibly still west] of the Urals. The Russian visits seem to come in rapid bunches of 20 or more and then might cease for weeks before reappearing. Preliminary enquiries online suggest such activity is likely to be spam and offer ways of tracking traffic sources more accurately. It may be harmless but the “frequently asked questions” section advises bloggers not to try to link with any such sources directly, if the blog’s reported audience statistics section permits that.

It’s difficult to see what else my anonymous visitor[s] could gain from their avid, though rather patchy, attention. I would guess that I get the same interference on the computer as everyone else. In addition to unwanted adverts and spam, I get fabulous offers of wealth if only I will divulge pertinent financial information, opportunities to bail out friends I did not know I had who have inadvertently become marooned in Nigeria and payment requests for orders I haven’t made.

However, short of hacking my account, throwing a spanner in the works and demanding money to return things to normal, I can only imagine that, at a whim, and for no good reason other than for their own amusement, they could suddenly and without warning, cut    

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