Sunday 30 April 2017

Absent Friend

They probably don’t make tights like that anymore. The technology was obviously at an early stage. Though these girls may have been on the cusp of modernity in April 1969, the tights did not really do them any favours – wrinkly knees, Nora Batty style. Smart move, Paula.

The occasion was Sheila’s forthcoming emigration to Tasmania. We were playing football on “the dips” and the girls came down to join us so that we could say goodbye to her. Sadly, she was never to return and so this was the last time that we saw her.

I had intended to go on a bit about the railway on the embankment in the background, but it can wait for another time.

R.I.P., Sheila Culshaw, remembered with affection by her friends. [Photo with thanks to Dave Beck]

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