Tuesday 6 June 2023

The Railway Adventures

I picked up this book by Vicki Pipe and Geoff Marshall without much optimism to be honest. I was expecting light-weight and trivial, a bit like some of my own stuff. Prejudices pushed aside, I really enjoyed it. I found out some things I didn’t know and had reinforced some noteworthy things that I did know, but were certainly worth flagging up. More than that, though, this is an accessible, warm and well-constructed jaunt around the country by train. I’d heard of the likeable couple, having seen a few bits and bobs of theirs on You Tube and maybe even an interview on mainstream telly. Informative and considered, its thoughtfully illustrated, too, appreciative of our rich railway heritage, communicating a real love of place - a biggy, for me, too – and most of all, emphasising the impact the railway has on people, both to talk to, to listen to and to be shown round by, and without whom the railway as a wonderfully dynamic entity would not exist. Mind you, neither would we, come to think of it. It’s a lovely book and perfect bedtime reading.

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