Monday 3 April 2023

On the bank at Toton again

Its very sticky after rain. The bank is essentially a great blob of boulder clay, so it holds the water on the surface and provides a slippery mess, though the regular dog walkers, horse riders and a handful of intrepid train spotters are not to be deterred. I doubt that there is any location in the country where you can identify as many locomotive numbers at one time without trespassing on railway property. You do need binoculars or a telescope, mind. Bridge cameras with built-in zooms will also do the trick. Productive as it is, its also a little frustrating that there are at least as many locos again that you can’t make out because they are inside sheds or behind other engines. Continuing my intermittent Sunday shed visits yesterday - a pattern begun over 60 years ago in Birkenhead – I still get the buzz [just not quite so intensely]. 

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