Saturday 20 August 2022

The Newquay Branch

The ex-GWR line from Newquay connects this sizeable and popular seaside resort to the Penzance to Paddington main line at Par. The single coach DMU takes around 50 minutes to make a one-way trip and departures are roughly two hours apart. Given that no other rail services have survived along the Atlantic coast/Bristol Channel anywhere between St Ives and Weston-super-Mare, apart from the West Somerset heritage railway, this does not seem like a massive commitment of resources, especially when you take into consideration how Newquay itself has grown, how choked its roads are in summer [as recently sampled] and how many visitors head that way for holidays. Up-grading is in the pipeline, however, with a new passing loop at Goss Moor and the reopening of the second platform at Newquay, which will allow an hourly service in future, including regular trains to Falmouth. We waited at the level crossing next to the first station out of Newquay, Quintrell Downs, as the lunchtime train for Par pulled away.


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