Tuesday 27 July 2021

BR’s WD 2-10-0s

In addition to the hundreds of 2-8-0s, BR also had some Austerity 2-10-0s of similar design. They were designed by Robert Riddles in 1943 and built by the North British Locomotive Company between 1943 and 1945. BR took 25 after the war, during which they found work in France and the Middle East. Greece, Syria and the Netherlands also ran them after the conflict was over.

This section of my 1962 combine volume is unmarked territory, as these locos were largely Scottish-based and beyond my reach, although 8 have survived in total of which No. 600 Gordon, preserved at the Severn Valley Railway is the best-known of the 3 UK examples. John Dyer photographed No. 90763 at Birkenhead sheds on 6/5/60.  

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