Friday 20 November 2020

Stella and Charlotte

Colas Rail top and tail class 67s, Nos. 67023 Stella and 67027 Charlotte passed through Fiskerton yesterday afternoon with the Network Rail test train, performing a somewhat circuitous journey from Derby to Doncaster. The November sun was already low in the sky and it was a bit parky standing around, after the train had lost its path at Nottingham to be stuck behind a bug cart, making it 20 minutes later than scheduled.

While I was waiting, a red kite flew right over my head but when I tried to photograph it my camera went dead with a flat battery, so I had to take the train on my phone. On the plus side, the foot-long crack in the car windscreen didn’t get any worse while I was out. I had completed my bike ride for the day during the morning, passing this obsolete petrol pump on the way. Already a bit of a local feature, it now also stands as an omen of things to come for petrol pumps everywhere.

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