Sunday 18 November 2018

The Flying Scotsman Nameplate

I had been looking forward to going to GW Railwayana’s auction at Pershore yesterday but a heavy cold quite literally put the dampers on things. Luckily, GWRA is the only railwayana auction house which has live bidding on the internet [via], or if you prefer it you can just watch as proceedings unfold.

I settled down at home for a more comfortable few hours than I would have had reaching for the tissues on a two-hour car journey. The big attraction was the sale of a nameplate from the Flying Scotsman. Would it beat the record for any nameplate at a railwayana sale, standing at £60,000 for A4 Class No. 60030 Golden Fleece? 

The hammer finally fell at £64,500. Maybe you even heard it here first.

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